I love the name.
My problems start out with stomach pain and heartburn. I used to buy Rolaids by the bottles and my PCP started me on the liquid Mylanta as he felt it was much better........hard to carry in my purse
He finally sent me to our gastroenterologist and she checked for H-pylori which I was hoping I might have and then we could get rid of the problem.
No luck there so I started on Zantac, and then onto the PPI when the regurge started. I have been able to identify most of the trigger foods that will cause problems and with avoiding them I have been able to effectively manage the GERD. I did have one bad flare and ended up in the ER after being up all night with severe pain and burning into my chest and jaw. No heart problems so after some IV Protonix and IV Valium I was discharged on 20 mg of Prilosec twice a day.
I did have issues with difficulty swallowing for a short time and I would not order any meat when out in a restaurant as when I went to swallow the meat it would get stuck and I would choke so I ordered soft easy to swallow foods and ate very slowly.
I aoid fatty, spicy, or acidic foods and eliminated bedtime snacks. I usually try to sleep on my left side and I have to still conquer avoiding ice cream especially custard.
So far I have managed fairly well. I am so fortunate compared to what many have to go through.
Thank you so much for the warm welcome.
Gentle Hugs