Hi rbrunet. I wanted to start by saying Thank you for sharing. I'm going up againest a Nissen redo. My 1st was done 5-30-08 and now my 2nd is scheduled for the 19th of this month. I'm very scared. They have imformed me of the high risk due to scar tissues and increased rate of puncturing a hole amoung other things but I really don't have much of a choice. I have a paraesphogeal hernia found after the first nissen with advanced Barrett's so I'm praying for the best.
I was hoping to find some one on here that has redone their nissen and how it has effected them so Thank you again your words were very insightful.
rbrunet said...
Day 12 post Nissen Revision-
Well I made it after travel home of almost 12 hours duration including meals and a 2 hour drive from the airport. I was glad to get in but,credit to my strength, I wasn't exhausted. All went very well and my wife and son took care of any lifting. So I'm back home in familiar surroundings and thrilled. Though still weak, I'm eating well and every day is a little better than the last.
The one word of advice or caution I would have is to try not to let yourself get too hungry. When that happens, I tend to eat a little too fast and fail to keep my mouthfuls as small as they should be. I have to keep aware of what goes in and how long I chew before swallowing. Twice, I realized I overdid it and had to wait for it to go down- a few minutes. A little scare, a little painful and a great reminder- first things first- and don't get so caught up in the conversation.
Fortunately, my wife who was an angel through all of this, is still letting me milk the situation and I'm not doing a whole lot that I don't want to. Altogether I lost about ten pounds- fortunately I had 15 to spare. The nicest thing though, is that my diet is opening up a whole new experience. The last month before this, I was eating a whole lot of oatmeal. Now- nothing is off the menu as long as I eat small portions and chew chew chew. Absolutely, no heartburn.
Best of all, my sleep is restful
and I wake relaxed as opposed to exhausted- like when I tossed and turned all night. This happened for more than a year- I was beat. Well that's it for now and when I get more pearls of wisdom, I'll be back. It's a new year and a new day.