Posted 4/21/2011 6:24 PM (GMT -5)
i had a Multichannel intraluminal impedance which came back positive for abnormal reflux episodes in the proximal (upper part) of the esophagus, these were mostly weakly acidic , i showed this test to the GI doctor and he said reflux wasnt my problem and that he didn't know why i had these symptoms, he had no explanation for my posterior laryngitis, yellow saliva, dysphonia or sore throat after a while of trying to get a solution from him he says "it's psychological" im like ***, i told him i used nexium and a bunch of other meds and they didnt work then he said "if your problem was reflux the nexium shoulda fixed it" i guess he has never read the studies that say PPI's dont work for most people. I highly doubt the fact i have abnormal reflux episodes on the upper part of the esophagus and at the same time i have LPR symptoms is a coincidence, the dr i saw is supposed to be the best GI here, he wont perform surgery on me because i have a normal LES (pressure 12.7) i have a nonspecific esophageal motor disorder but he didn't pay any attention to that, im wondering when are the drs going to give me a solution when i have an ulcer in my throat, im sick of this, i feel sorry for all the people with LPR who get no relief, to know there is something wrong with you and not being able to get a cure from drs is one of the most frustrating things ever...