Posted 1/25/2012 2:21 AM (GMT -5)
Well it was 3 weeks. I had a picc line and had TPN through it. I had to go 7 weeks last March and April without eating or drinking (NPO) and had TPN and finally a feeding tube through my belly for a month. then in July I had to go another 2 weeks NPO and was on TPN then too. TPN is a bunch of nutrients and lipids that they mix up for you every day after a blood draw and then put into the PICC line over 24 hours. Oh, forgot had to go 7 days NPO after my last redo in August also.
Not fun if they don't have enough fluids going in as you get very dry mouth, but when you are a sick as I was you don't have any urge to eat anyhow.
Take care,