Posted 1/1/2013 11:06 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Guys,
Tomorrow is my 4 week mark post-nissen. Just to recap, I do have motility issues, but minor, so with the level of GERD and LPR I was experiencing, the full nissen was the only way to go.
Firstly, I'd like to start off saying that I'm extremely happy that I've gone through with this surgery, and my vocals (a week and a half post op visit) were already almost 50% less inflamed than pre-op. I saw the pictures, and it was pretty incredible how much better my vocal cords, sinuses, etc looked so soon after surgery. Vocalists suffering with the same issue, I highly recommend having this done. Please also check in with Dr. Jamie Koufman at the Voice Institute of NYC, as she is one of the best voice specialists in the country. She also specializes in LPR/reflux, as I found most specialists do not.
With that being said, this has definitely been a tough recovery for me, worse than I was anticipating, and that's largely in part to being uninformed and having unrealistic expectations getting on with my life post-op. I've read a million times on this website that most surgeons, even the most experienced ones, don't take the time to really explain what to expect (if at all) until you're in recovery. Please do yourself a favor and ask as many questions that you can think of to ask, browse this website and other people's experiences, and also mentally prepare yourself that your recovery time might not realistically be 6 weeks. It's also important to note that everyone heals differently, so you need to be prepared to truly sit back and recover for awhile. Originally, I was told to expect a 6 week recovery, but that's not the case. Now, I've been told to expect 3+ months before I can swallow food properly and a year for full recovery. Again, just be realistic because this is a very real surgery. **I'd love to hear other's experiences on this, though, as I'm only a month in**
I feel like it's also important to note that even with one of the most highly recommended and experienced surgeons in NYC, I did have serious complications post surgery, and wound up back in the hospital for an extra 2 days after initially being released. Most people go home and are fine, so my experience with this was a bit out of the ordinary. However, at 4 weeks, I can truly look back and say this has been worthwhile, despite the ups and the downs. I live alone and have been taking care of myself and things around the house for at least 2 weeks now, but it was definitely necessary having someone here with me the first week and a half. If you do live on your own, this is totally feasible, so don't let that delay you in getting this done. I'm still very careful as to what I lift (usually no more than 6-10 lbs max), but I seem to be getting by just fine.
On a very positive note: I can drink coffee!!!!! Yayayay!!!!! It's been ages since I could carelessly drink a cup of coffee and not worry about my voice. Even simple things, like drinking water, are less stressful because there's no worry about it coming back up. I can still burp a tiny bit, but certainly nothing like before. Gas is an issue and my stomach definitely gets swollen and irritated easily, but I can already see the bigger, healthier picture as to how much better my life will be after full recovery. I used to have to wait hours and hours before laying down after consuming anything to eat or drink. Now, I do what I want and seem to be fine. Last night, I even had a half glass of champagne for NYE (my belly did not like those bubbles), and my voice is fine today. In the past, one sip of alcohol would damage my vocal cords, so this is a huge milestone for me. Again, recovery hasn't been a walk in the park and certainly not as easy as some of the journals I've read, but sooo worthwhile to enhance your quality of life (and career, in my case).
Although this was a scary decision, and I spent over 2 years seeing various specialists and getting second and third opinions, I am so grateful to be going into the New Year with this behind me. I'm only mid 20's , but I've been struggling with these issues for about 10 years. It's almost like I had surgery and am getting my life back in return. As long as you have an experienced surgeon and are well informed, I highly, HIGHLY recommend the nissen fundo. Especially for vocalists, the agony of what you go through with your voice on top of all the other side effects with GERD or LPR, makes surgery and recovery - not only necessary - but a walk in the park.
I'd still love to get some additional information from those of you further along or fully recovered post-nissen on gym and exercise. Are crunches really out of the question forever? What time frame did any of you get back to the gym? I've been walking and staying active in that way, but I'd love to get back into some sort of aerobic activity soon. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)
Best of luck to anyone reading this post for advice. DO IT, get it done and over with, and get your life back! Even just a month in, I give this surgery a thumbs up!