Aww, ladies. I am so touched. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.
I am back from my trip. It was at a place called Safari West in Santa Rosa, CA which is about 60 miles up north of SF. Santa Rosa is a decent size city but the location of the Safari is way up in the mountains so I got no cell reception and the wifi was very limited.
Based on the CT scan, I DON'T HAVE CANCER.
The liver spots were determined to be benigh things called hemingiomas. They are benign tumors that can grow wherever blood vessels are. Man, it was crazy last night.
I was done with the CT scan at 2PM and our family just went straight from the hospital to the safari. Of course, I knew that the doctor would be calling me with good or bad news that night and the place I was, I couldn't get phone calls so that was also pretty nerve wrecking. Just imagining that as I would fall asleep that night, there was a voicemail on the phone that could literally change my life overnight.
Anyway, I got to the safari at 3:30PM. We stayed in a luxury outdoor tent with girafees roaming outside. Problem was the tent was 50 yards away from the flamingo enclosure and they were LOUD. And I forgot to pack my earplugs. Great, I was going to have a hard time falling asleep and now, I am going to hear birds the whole night. The safari itself was great. The place doesn't have any dangerous animals, but we got to see giraffes, ostritch, water buffaloes, antelopes and zebras without having a fence between us. So dinner time comes around and the meal itself looks great: barbeque sausages, chicken, corn chowder, lots of pasta and fruit. But I have been having so much issue with fat, carbs and anything with dairy, I was depressed to look at the food because I couldn't have it. Then I thought to myself, what the hell, it might be the last decent meal I might have so I just decided to have whatever (except for anything with dairy). I actually did ok with the meal, better than I thought. The walk from the cafeteria and my tent put me right next to the flamingos. I thought there is no way I am going to sleep tonight without earplugs. The nearest walmart was 20 mins down the mountain. I told my wife I had to go and promised her that I wouldn't do anything stupid. As I was driving down, my phone started ringing. It was my doctor, but apparently, the coverage was so spotty that the call never connected. I drove frantically down into town. Pulled into a parking lot as soon as I got reception. Checked my voicemail. Nothing. My heart dropped. (I thought to myself, if it was good news, he would've left it. Since it wasn't, I thought he was trying to tell me personally. That was my logic.) I had to call back. But when I called the doctor back, it went to the general line, which was closed at the time. I ended up routing my call to the doctor that was on-duty and told him what was going on and that I was sure that my doctor was trying to reach me because I got a call from the office just 10 mins ago. The doctor on duty told me to hold and eventually got a hold of my doctor and he called back again. He told me that every part of my liver spots were hemangiomas and the rest of the gut (kiney, spleen, pancreas) looked normal and I should just go have whatever I wanted. I started crying on the phone from the weight of the past 2 months. My doctor actually let out a short laugh because he just couldn't related to why I was so worried all this time, but I didn't care and I just thanked him, went to WalMart, bought some earplugs and bunch of toys for my kids and drove back up.
So the doctors say I am not dying from cancer. THAT'S GREAT. But I still need to take care of the gastritis, the muscle weakness and the weight loss. I am working on that. My appointment with the naturopath is back on!