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Six weeks post op
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GERD & Acid Reflux
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Regular Member
Joined : Aug 2013
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Posted 12/24/2013 8:42 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all
Well it's 6 weeks today since my operation and still things are no better.
I'm still getting chest/heartburn pains. I get them often not just if I've eaten. I get odd days here and there when I think that they have gone and I think yeah! it's all settling down but then it comes back again. The pain lasts hours. I know it's acid because it affects my throat and tongue.
Well I got a letter with an appointment to see my surgeon on 14th Jan so if things are no better by then I'm going to ask for tests to see what's going on.
It will be 9 weeks since my operation when I see my surgeon so I'm pretty sure by then if things are no better then I don't think that they will get any better.
I know people will say it's early days and it could all be the swelling but I'm really not sure. Most people at 6 weeks post op are seeing some improvement but I'm not seeing any. If it were due to swelling then surely I'd have a problem swallowing foods but I don't.
Is there anyone who's had the op and and not seen any improvement for weeks and then it's all settled down?
Am I just being impatient and expecting too much too soon?
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Posted 12/24/2013 1:12 PM (GMT -5)
I don't have the same symptoms as you, but I'll go ahead and contradict my journal a bit and say that I still have a lot of my old symptoms of coughing and clearing my throat, and on the days I was excited to have no symptoms I posted about
it thinking it was all a wonderful success. I'm wondering if you have a lot of healing going on in that esophagus from all the acid before and also, I still have acidic saliva in the back of my throat too. I admit its better than it was though. I'm definitely not an expert, but I'm rooting for you to get better! It will be interesting to hear what your surgeon says.
What do you think, Bill?
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Posted 12/24/2013 1:55 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for your reply. I'm hoping that it's all due to internal swelling. Some say it can take months for it to settle. I'm just hoping that I'm one that's taking a little longer to heal and there is nothing wrong.
I'm rooting for everyone that's got this dreadful condition. Let's hope that everything turns out fine for all of us.
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Posted 12/24/2013 5:40 PM (GMT -5)
You all are the point where things are starting to heal. I am talking about
the damage done by the acid. This can be a long road. The esophagus senses any pain or irritation as heartburn/reflux. We all will have some reflux even after surgery. It's not practical to stop it completely because it would be impossible to swallow.
People without GERD still have some reflux and this is considered a normal amount. When we are having a "normal" amount it can be quite bad because of the way the esophagus responds. Not everyone, but the majority of people experiencing this will eventually have symptoms go away with more healing. The time it takes depends on how much damage was there, how long your body takes to heal, and how we are treating our body while it heals.
This can be like 2 steps forward and 1 step back thing...maybe even 3 back at times. Some people have an easy recovery, but they are the rare case. What you all are experiencing I have experienced. The difference is I have been through it 3 times and with each time I knew more of what to expect and when things didn't seem to be going well I could fall back on what I had learned before and wait it out.
This is by no means an easy recovery. Our bodies have been through a lot before surgery and the trauma from the surgery itself is bad enough, let alone top it off with previous damage.
Maria- If things are not improving when you see the surgeon I do hope he will do at least a barium swallow and a PH study. These will let you know what is going on. I had a setback after my last redo and thought for sure my esophagus tear had
opened for the 3rd time. Felt exactly like it. I had a barium swallow and PH study and found out all was good. A couple weeks later it had resolved itself. This was 6 months after my redo.
It really can take 6 months to a year or more before everything is resolved.
Take care,
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Posted 12/27/2013 8:11 AM (GMT -5)
How are you feeling? Are you still getting reflux? How is the food intake coming along?
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Posted 12/27/2013 9:12 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Maria,
I hope January 14 is here before you know it. I really hope the doctor orders the tests for you.
Diass - I still have a lot of throat clearing, and hacking up phlegm. Some days I think - wow, it really is getting better, then other days (like this morning), it's same old stuff. 6 months is a long time to wait to see improvement. But, I'm off ppi's and occasionally use pepcid when my stomach gets upset with acid or NSAIDs. I'm 3 1/2 months post-op now.
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Posted 12/27/2013 10:01 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Michelle
Things are still not too good. I keep getting the chest/heartburn pain. I get the warmth in my throat and acidly mouth. I seem to be burping lots too.
I don't really struggle with swallowing. I've found swallowing difficult maybe 5 or 6 times since surgery.
I have noticed I've started to cough it's not a normal cough. I'm pretty sure it's acid.
I'll have to wait for tests to see what's going on. I'm due to see my surgeon on the 14th January hopefully he'll want to investigate what's going on.
How are things going with you ?
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Posted 12/27/2013 10:04 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Laurie
Yes I'm sure he'll want to investigate what's going on but I'm hoping that it is all to do with internal swelling and fingers crossed that it'll settle down in the next couple of weeks .
Hope things are ok with you ?
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Posted 12/27/2013 6:16 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Mcedge,
I am doing okay. Could it be stress causing your reflux symptoms? If I get stressed I notice some acid reflux. I am over the constipation that plagued me for at least 2 months. I guess the realignment of the insides is starting to adjust.
What meals are you eating? I definitely can't eat acidic, spicy foods anymore. Are you sleeping elevated? I hope your symptoms start settling down soon.
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Posted 12/28/2013 3:27 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Michelle
I'm pleased that you seem to be doing better.
I've been better the last couple of days so maybe it was the swelling causing my problems.
I'm not eating anything spicy or acidic either. I have been eating a little chocolate and that seems fine. I do eat bread but chew it lots although swallowing hasn't been that difficult for me.
Let's hope that with a little more time things continue to improve for both of us.
Take care
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Posted 12/28/2013 6:59 PM (GMT -5)
Good to know you've been feeling better Maria
.. being able to eat chocolate is a good sign. Sincerely hope this trend continues for you.
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Posted 12/30/2013 5:32 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Noelle
Well what can I say- I thought I was doing a little better then yesterday was hell. I had heartburn all day.
Really not sure if this is down to swelling I guess only time will tell.
Due to see the surgeon on the 14th so if there hasn't been a significant improvement then I'll ask for some tests.
I have a feeling that this hasn't worked for what ever reason and I'm hoping that the tests will find out that reason.
I hope your doing ok ? I know you see your consultant in February so not that long really. Well I have said previously that I hoped we'd be on the mend by the New Year but it doesn't look like that will be happening. Let's hope that 2014 is the year that we see an end to this dreadful condition.
Take care
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Posted 12/30/2013 5:50 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Maria,
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. When I would get heartburn, the surgeon said I was eating something that challenged my wrap. Have you kept a food log?
Do you think it is nerve irritation? Sometimes I can't tell the difference between the nerves feeling inflamed and heartburn.
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Posted 12/31/2013 4:59 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Michelle
I'm really not sure I do seem to get the "heartburn" when I've eaten more challenging foods but I don't have a problem with swallowing.
I think it's heartburn because I get that acidly throat and mouth.
I'm still hoping it's early days and due to internal swelling and healing.
How long is it since your surgery and are you seeing any improvements ?
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Posted 12/31/2013 6:20 AM (GMT -5)
I do understand things are quite challenging for you right now. Denise has a saying that really does help. Surrender to your recovery. I like to think of t as a marathon vs a sprint as well.
Since you aren't having issues with swallowing I suspect it's more likely just irritation that hasn't healed yet. It can take a few months for some people to see results, but most people who struggle as you are at this time in the healing process do see bast improvement around the 4 to 6 month mark and then additional improvement for the next year or so.
Finding foods that are easier for your stomach to digest can be a big help while this is going on. I even went as far as eating only 1 type of food, such as protein, for one meal and then carbs for the next, etc. This helped me get through the roughest part of my recoveries.
Take care,
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Posted 12/31/2013 6:45 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Maria,
Happy New Year! I am at the 4 month mark. Still having different sensations every day. I feel pretty good. The nausea comes and goes. I still have problems with my left side of my chest. A lot of mesh was used to close my diaphragm.
What things are you eating when you notice the reflux? I wish you a fast recovery next year.
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Posted 12/31/2013 9:39 PM (GMT -5)
Hey Maria, I'm six weeks post now, and I am also having chronic burping and heartburn on and off. The burping is worsened by an empty stomach and by anxiety. For the heartburn and throat inflammation I recommend a bit of Gaviscon followed by brushing teeth with baking soda toothpaste. That seems to hold off the burn for a little while. I also like chewable antacids that coat the throat, like Gaviscon chewable or Rennie Deflatine.
I am holding off on worrying about
it right now, just trying to manage the symptoms is job enough, and I know from what so many have said that its really early days yet. But it is hard, and upsetting when we have been through surgery to not feel any better yet. (I actually feel far worse, as for some reason, nearly all my symptoms resolved themselves in the month running up to the op...I almost cancelled!) hang in there. I'm glad there are others feeling as I do, I feel less alone...wishing for better days to come for both of us!
Blue skies
Liz x
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Posted 1/1/2014 4:44 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Michelle
I get lots of different sensations too. My latest is in my oesophagus and throat. I still get that acidly mouth.
I don't feel the reflux but I never did even before the operation. I knew I had reflux because of my tests and the chronic heartburn. I have never regurgitated food but I did retch a lot in the beginning.
I'm sure that my problems were caused by the hernia and I thought that once the hernia was sorted then all my problems would have been sorted - how wrong I was !
I'm pleased that you seem to be progressing and feeling better. Let's hope that it continues for you.
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Posted 1/1/2014 5:00 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Liz
Your very much like me. My symptoms were under control before the operation I too feel far worse since the surgery.
Was your surgery because of a hernia or a faulty sphincter ?
I do try to hold on to the fact that everyone says it's early days (9 weeks ) but it really is a struggle and to see no improvement is really disappointing.
I'm due to see my surgeon on the 14th so if there is no significant improvement by then I will ask for investigations. My surgeon did mention having an endoscopy although I'm not sure what that will show has they didn't pick my hernia up first time on the endoscopy.
I guess it's to check that the wrap is still where it should be.
I keep having a strange feeling that maybe the hernia is back. I assume that the tests would show that.
Let's hope that we both see some improvement in our symptoms soon.
Take care
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Posted 1/1/2014 5:14 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Maria,
Here's hoping 2014 is a good year. My surgeon did mention in the early stages you will feel acid reflux but it is actually gas escaping. I am guessing everything takes a while to be redirected to the proper
location. I hope that helps some of the mystery.
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Posted 1/1/2014 5:27 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Michelle
Thanks for your reply. I hope your surgeon is correct and things do start to settle soon.
It's very strange how my symptoms have changed over the weeks but I'm not sure if it's for the better !
I keep thinking it's acid as I can taste it in my mouth but I guess it could be gases. I keep getting a tight oesophagus/ chest but I guess that could be the swelling at the wrap site. I just thought that after 9 weeks the swelling would have started to subside and if it is swelling then why don't I have problems swallowing ?
It's all very strange to say the least. I really was expecting a straightforward recovery with no problems.
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Posted 1/1/2014 5:55 AM (GMT -5)
The swelling for me comes in waves. It really is true when individuals say that the healing can take 6 months to a year. I had chunky soup yesterday and it actually took some time to go down. I had to sit up real straight in my seat to let the liquid slide down the esophagus. I went to dinner with my husband that evening and ate crab cakes, no problem.
Hope that helps.
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Posted 1/1/2014 6:31 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks Michelle
Hopefully things will start to settle over the next few weeks and we can both look forward pain free 2014.
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Posted 1/2/2014 12:43 PM (GMT -5)
hi there was looking for advice i had hiatus hernia repair and nissan fundoplication surgery on 16/9/2013 i was only supposed to be on a liquid diet for six weeks. Still on it can only manage to half a bowls of porridge twice a day, i attempted to eat a party size sausage the other day and was in agony. I have also tried pate felt like it was stacking up and then brought it back up. If i try anything other than porridge i know about
it. I had to go for another barium swallow on 20th dec as diet intake is minimal and i have lost 34 percent of my body weight in over to years. dieticians opinion is that they have done the wrap to tight If i try to eat anything other than porridge i am not only in agony but i constantly have the runs even when i dont eat anything. It is really getting me down now wondered if anyone has suffered like this afterwards. Any help or advice would be appreciated xx Thanks Joanne
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Posted 1/2/2014 12:53 PM (GMT -5)
It very well could be too tight. They can dilate the wrap, but it sometimes take a couple times for it to hold.
It could also still loosen up on its own. Some people do have issues like this for s few months.
When you eat be sure to chew very well, to a liquid if possible and small bites. Wait about
30 seconds between bites and if you can feel it sitting at the wrap take a drink and feel for it to go through. Sitting up straight and trying to relax your stomach also helps. Drinking something warm before you eat can also help to loosen things up a bit.
Foods that are sticky or don't have enough "body" for the muscles to push it through can cause problems too where you are at in recovery. Soft bread and solid meats are tough to get down, but toast and ground meats can be chewed more to a liquid.
Take care,
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