Posted 12/26/2013 11:21 PM (GMT -5)
Hi :) I hope everyone is having a Happy Holidays.
I usually post in the Ostomies section but I've been having these symptoms which I have no idea what they are so I thought I'd post here.
I was diagnosed with gastroenteritis this past Sunday at an ER since I had been throwing up and going diarrhea, but it finally calmed down since 2 days ago. So all that is gone, but I don't know what it is I am just always nauseous now and it gets really bad especially at night towards midnight whether I be awake or asleep.
Last night, I was up at 12:30 am on my PC doing some work when I couldn't even just sit there and type anymore. It was such a nauseous feeling accompanied with I don't know of you'd call it pain but such an uncomfortable feeling right around or below my chest. I'm not sure if it's the stomach or liver even.
I thought it may be a temporary thing but it's been ongoing that I'm getting a bit scared but am embarrassed to see the doctor since I've gone in without an appt three times already since November.
Another thing is, I get excessive saliva in my mouth only when I lay down to sleep at night and I have a sour taste in my mouth (the sour taste is always there whether I brush my teeth or not). I do have a cavity that needs to be fixed and something else so I don't know if that's what it's from.
Any idea what this may be?