Posted 1/5/2014 6:26 PM (GMT -5)
Hi guys, I was wondering if any LPRers had Nissen and had similar troubles to mine?
My symptoms have returned post op, I'm almost eight weeks post with my LPR worsening by the day, just as it always did before when I come off PPIs. Burning throat, cysts very sore, throat clearing, voice gone by the late afternoon, ears burning...slight heartburn now and then.
My diet is easy, no real issues. Occasional food pausing for dramatic effect at the wrap, but ok. I'm chewing everything really well, and food is staying in the stomach where it belongs, instead of jumping up into th back of my nose like before. Liquid likes to hang about and return to the throat for a bit before going down, and pills are not easy. It's just this awful burping and throat burn.
So I read that LPR can take over a year to resolve post wrap, so I was wondering if anyone had a long wait. I am willing to wait, more than happy to, I've waited seven would just be reassuring to know this wasn't all in vain.
Thanks for reading
Liz x