I have been going through this stuff for so long but this episode has been the worst!
First off I have GERD and I have a sliding hiatal hernia and a long history of h-pylori which never wants to leave. I get serious bloating and acid and horrible palpitations and chest pain. The bloating gets to the point of me looking pregnant. about
2 years ago the bloating was so bad it was causing severe shortness of breath and palpitations. I was sent to a cardiologist and they did the whole work up stress test, echo and even a heart cath...all was normal, then sent to a gastroenterologist who did a endoscopy and stomach emptying test also that breathing test to see if i had small intestine bacteria overgrowth (which was positve). My stomach emptied normal but did have h-pylori AGAIN and he said i also had a large hiatal hernia...but said to take gas pills and prilosec and that's it. The symptoms went away about
a week later. This time for the past week the shortness of breath and chest pains are ridiculous, went to urgent care since i had just had leg surgery was nervous maybe had a blood clot or was scared i was having a heart attack. Nobody unless it happens to them can understand the fear you get when you start having chest pain, but I had ekg, troponin levels checked, dopple ultrasound of my legs a chest ct scan and a ton of other blood work...all normal. So here i am still with the chest pain and shortness of breath, can this all really be GERD? Has anyone else had the chest pain for like 10 days? Does anybody have any ideas or similar stories that might calm me down :( any help would be amazing!