No matter what they say, it is not your anxiety, anxiety doesn't help but doesn't cause, they just keep pumping you full of adivan which causes your gerd to be worse, much worse. It is bull, but stopping the adivan didn't help, a lot. My throat is still very damaged so I don't know whether the acid is better or not. Started raw carrot juice (organic) to help heal the throat, Cut out gluten which seems to help a lot, maybe only because breads cause acid but maybe I'm allergic, either way I think it is unfortunate that we have to figure this stuff out ourselves instead of having a professional- no they just pump you full of pills- Sorry this is scattered but being well written is not the point, point is:
#1- Medication can cause GERD- tried that, we'll see I can breath better, less acid
#2- Gluten may cause- Trying this, improving very much. Two days, my throat hurt 0, not at all, then I had sour cream, big mistake for damaged throat- maybe gluten free will help.
#4- For a while my solution was Lorazapam/ adivan- no no big mistake, came with irregular heart beat & shortness of breath & acid.
That has been my fun trip, I'll let you know how Carrot juice & Gluten free works out!!!!
Would love to hear from other people & what has worked and not worked. Thanks.
I'll be back in 2 wks with results!!