Good Morning,I found this info for you but please remember I am only sharing information. You must decided which Dr. to look into as far as success rates ETC.
"Paul Taiganides, M.D., is the medical director of the Knox Regional Heartburn Treatment Center at Knox Community Hospital in Mount Vernon, Ohio. Dr. Taiganides and Knox Community Hospital were one of 14 locations selected to participate in the initial US clinical trials for the LINX device. Since then, Dr. Taiganides has performed more LINX procedures than any other U.S. surgeon. The center has done more than 700 Nissen fundoplication surgical procedures in the last seven years."
"John C. Lipham, M.D. is Chief of the Division of Upper GI and General Surgery and Associate Professor of Surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of USC - University of Southern California."
"F. Paul Buckley III, MD, at Scott & White Hospital – Round Rock, Texas. Dr. Buckley, serves as Director of the Division of General Surgery and Surgical Director of the Heartburn and Acid Reflux Center (HARC) at Scott & White – Round Rock, TX."
I do not have any personal knowledge re these 3 physicians - so please investigate them well if you choose to check one of them out for surgery.
I tried calling TORAX who manufactures the device and they only list hospitals and will not give out a Drs. name but will give you the name of GI clinics in your area.
I am sure you will be hearing from other members who have more info for you.