Posted 4/28/2014 5:58 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Craig, sorry you're going through this, Im going through the same thing and it is awful.
Have you ever been checked for h-pylori?
What is your diet like? I have several food triggers and probably many more that I don't know about, and they all set my stomach off feeling awful. Things like some veggies (especially raw), fatty foods, pepper and the usuals like alcohol and acidic drinks.
I have the problems during the night too when my stomach isn't well, I will have nightmares and wake up in sweats, the next day my stomach's feeling terrible. I have never figured out whether the stomach causes the nightmares or the nightmares cause the stomach problems because of the stress.
Have you tried ant-acids like Gaviscon? I find they give me some immediate relief when my stomach is particularly bad.
I dont think the stomach and reflux thing are related in terms of symptoms, at least not for me, my reflux can be fine at times but stomach awful, and vice versa. Acid reflux doesn't cause stomach issues itself, but there are underlying issues like food intolerances or too much acid that cause both stomach upset and reflux. PPIs should help with symptoms although I have never found them to have cured it.
Have you tried sucralafate/carafate? Lots of people find it helps with stomach problems. Also try ginger tablets I find some benefit from them and the anti-inflammatory properties.