Posted 7/20/2014 2:15 AM (GMT -5)
Throwing up with a probe in your oesophagus is to be avoided at all costs, I would say, and yes it would tarnish the results.
You can take a Valium if you are super anxious but yes it will have an effect on the manometry results. If you regularly take Valium it won't have as much of an effect, but if it's a one off it will slow down your peristalsis.
The manometry is not pleasant I'm not going to lie, but neither is it hideous. You will get anaesthetic in your nose and the catheter is gently put down, it's just that the manometry one is bigger than the ph one. It only lasts for 10 mins, and if you breathe through your mouth or gently bite the tip of your tongue so that you don't do a double swallow, you'll sail through it, then the ph probe is passed down and it's a very thin catheter.
Just tell your doctor that's doing it that your very nervous and they should be sympathetic and help you through it.
All the best