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GERD will be cured in the next 10 years
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GERD & Acid Reflux
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Regular Member
Joined : Oct 2014
Posts : 30
Posted 3/10/2015 8:03 PM (GMT -5)
It is my sincere belief that GERD and LPR will be cured in the next 10 years. Now that I have your attention with that bold statement, let's take a look at why:
EXIBIT A Endostim:
This little device may not be the end all of cures, but I feel that its a bold step in the right direction. Instead of having the stomach produce less acid as in PPIs, or stitch the top of the stomach together as in Nissen's, this strengthens the Lower Esophageal Sphincter. For many acid sufferers', the problem stems from an insufficient sphincter that allows acid to spill into places of the body where acid was never meant to go. Instead of an invasive procedure or pills that mask symptoms, this device strengthens the body part that is deficient in the first place. It is my hope that just as there are many companies making variants of PPIs, there will be multiple companies that make devices like the endostim. This means different ideas circling one general concept, and so the best ideas will create the best product. The future is so bright.
EXIBIT B Gard for Gerd:
Another nifty medical device that goes beyond a Nissen and acid suppression drugs. This device looks to be more theoretical at this point, and I have not been able to obtain any additional clinical trial or research information from contacting the company on numerous occasions. However, the device appears to create a new valve that keeps acid in the stomach where it belongs while allowing food to go into the stomach as it should. According to the manufacturer, the device can be placed in an outpatient facility, meaning costs are substantially less than surgery. Again, I am hoping that other manufacturer's get into the game and improve upon the product, as I do doubt some of the claim's being made on the website and there is no clinical research about
its effectiveness-for GERD or LPR.
Having stopped most people in their tracks with the above wall-of-text, I was hoping the few brave souls that read it all could add any thoughts they have about
future GERD and LPR technology, and perhaps post new company ideas as they crop up.
LPR Librarian
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Posted 3/11/2015 9:06 AM (GMT -5)
Your post gave me new hope. I was hoping 10 months instead of 10 years. :) I have been researching both of the devices you've mentioned and I think medical science is definitely going in the right direction. If I see anything else out there, I will definitely add to this post. Thanks for the positive vibes. We all need those.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/11/2015 9:58 AM (GMT -5)
Hi LPR, I agree with you and I don't think that its too bold a statement.
I had a discussion with the surgeon who carried out my Nissen redo and I asked him how long should my surgery should last,his answer was, roughly ten years and by then we should have a cure for acid reflux. He said that he was involved in a lot of work that looks very promising for the future but unfortunately couldn't go into details.
Hope hes right!
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Posted 3/11/2015 12:52 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for posting, it's good to know research is ongoing for a cure!!!
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Posted 3/11/2015 3:12 PM (GMT -5)
Has anybody heard recently about
stem cells to heal the LES? There has been some discussions that it may be one solution to restore the power of a weak LES "naturally", meaning without surgery or a device.
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Posted 3/11/2015 3:24 PM (GMT -5)
One other thought about
the topic: It is kind of amazing why there is not already today with todays technology a solid solution to fix a weak LES without Nissen. The market is also huge sice GERD is really common. If for examble Bill Gates would suffer from Gerd and put as much money for R&D as needed I am pretty sure there would be a solution. Any thoughts? Then there are teories that medical company dont want to come up with a solution since chronic diseases are golden business.
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Posted 3/11/2015 4:02 PM (GMT -5)
Don't hold your breath. Plenty of solutions have come and gone while I've been watching for the last 20 years or so.
I wouldn't be a guinea pig for a brand new procedure until it has proven to work and not fail or have other side effects for at least a few, if not 10, years.
I waited as long as my condition wasn't life-threatening and finally had to choose from the procedure with the best outcomes at the time. I'm glad I went with one that worked and didn't insist on trying one of the new experimental ones at the time.
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Posted 3/11/2015 5:47 PM (GMT -5)
Alcie, as we all have a form of GERD we all have a stake in the game. I have been actively looking for a cure for 10 years, and so I know the frustration. Having said that, I also think that the time is now for the tech to finally get to where it needs to be. There is greater awareness, faster testing models, increased accuracy, and better technology.
Apple Research Kit: This was just announced the other day and it will be the start of something huge (other companies will get in on the game). Research Kit is an
open sourced app that tracks the vitals of the person wearing the watch. It will allow research companies to collect vital information. This helps us because people with GERD can be studied 24/7 from the watch and new data can be collected.
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Posted 3/11/2015 6:40 PM (GMT -5)
Some of us where the disease has progressed may not have that long. :(
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Posted 6/12/2017 12:55 PM (GMT -5)
no advancement in cure after 2 years...
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Posted 7/6/2017 4:09 AM (GMT -5)
endoluminal aluvra is in.clinical trial phases
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Posted 7/7/2017 12:33 AM (GMT -5)
I seen some new procedures for gerd where they use some sort of light that stimulates the muscles around the sphincter. Basically, they electrify the muscles so they become tighter over time. It's a non invasive procedure. However, I don't believe this is a cure for gerd. I think we need to look into why industrial populations have gerd in the rise versus those places like small villages where gerd is basically a foreign problem. It's odd that many doctors don't know why the LES gets weaken but yet they have a solution to make the muscles stronger. Their is obviously something we are eating and doing in our daily live to have our LES just weaken out of the blue.
I heard some people who did gerd surgery and the light therapy I mentioned above still had some gerd even though when they got en x ray / endoscopy it showed that their LES is not
open at all. Makes you think what really causes gerd.
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Posted 7/7/2017 2:07 AM (GMT -5)
K1m11...that procedure is called stretta and its completely useless....the other procedure is called endostim which is a device implanted inside and would anyone like to have a battery implanted inside their body with wires along???NOT ME atleast!!! I hope this aluvra will.give the solution..
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Posted 8/8/2017 12:40 PM (GMT -5)
endoluminal aluvra sounds like Enteryx by Boston Scientific which was a failure. I hope they did their research and this woks. We shall see. God knows after 17 years of this discomfort I'll try anything.
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Posted 8/8/2017 6:36 PM (GMT -5)
kim11, in answer to your question "that it's odd doctors don't know why the Les gets weakened", I think the answer has been covered many times in this forum. Basically for most of us it's the food we eat, the alcohol and caffeine we drink, certain medications relax the Les. The cumulative effect is a weakened Les. It's a western lifestyle disease and many third world countries don't have this problem because they don't have the same diet that western worlds do. Having a hiatal hernia can complicate things but many people have one without having Gerd.
I myself think excessive alcohol plays a big part in it as all my siblings have reflux to some degree apart from one who doesn't drink.
Hopefully more solutions for this disease are forthcoming as it's not pleasant to live with.
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