Posted 2/9/2017 4:20 PM (GMT -5)
Smlafleur warns this because of a bad experience. Many others have had great success with this. Including me. I'm 100% better than before surgery.
For me, I stopped one medicine right away and then over the course of 2 weeks cut back and stopped my prescription nexium.
I lost about 12 lbs before the surgery. I'm currently 8 weeks after it and I'm now down a total 29 lbs. Though I have have been specifically trying not to loose more weight the last 4 weeks.
Most likely you'll go on a liquid and soft food diet where you will loose weight. But some of that will be muscle.
As a tip, swallowing maybe hard in the first weeks especially. Its ok to take it slow to advance to new more solid foods. If you have issues, just step back on your diet plan to what was working for a few days and try again. I had a hard time with Eggs if I didn't cook them right. So I switch to cereal for a while. Be patient and follow your doctor's instructions.