Karloven and Gummyworm...
first of all sorry, english is not my native language,but i hope you can understand me. i am responding because i think i know what is going on in your cases. You can still argue with me later,no problems
But i want you to read from here on at your own responsibility.
I wanna repeat that, because on one hand, i wanna save you time,money and frustrations i went through in seven years of this nightmare. On other hand, informations i have can be very depressing.
What happened in your cases is probably a post extraction peripheral neuropathy,maybe it could also be a vagal neuropathy. I was a member of many gerd and lpr support groups,and when symptoms arrived all out of blue, it was unfortunatelly after a wisdom tooth extractions or after a viral infection.
This incidents damaged nerves,responsible for esophageal contractions, which is many times a completely overlooked reflux defence mechanism( all attention is usually placed on sphincters and excess acid,which is not true).
The only thing you can do to diagnose that is esophageal manometry-in my case it showed severely damaged conctractions/motility so now i have a disease called ineffective esophageal motility. It means your esophagus is to weak to clear even normal reflux episodes( your reflux numbers,demester score will be just within healthy individual range),or to be more precise, refluxes stay in tube for 11 minutes(!) causing all king of inflammations,soreness,SOB,.. The normal time is 10-30 seconds and than a HEALTHY VAGUS nerve pushes stomach content back to where belongs-to stomach.
Please respond what you think about
what i just wrote. I lost thousand of dollars for 'miracle cures', played a guessing game for so long and couldnt find any relief-because there seems to be none.
( there is no real pharmacological intervention current that would successfully restored the impaired smooth muscle contractions). My compassions, i know excactly how painful this is,how doctors are clue and careless, how science is completelly underdeveloped as regards that painful missfortune that hit us.
There are better promotility drugs on it's way, but when excactly? All current have very bad and serious side effects.
Thank you for your time reading this, Uros from Slovenia.