Posted 11/5/2016 11:37 AM (GMT -5)
I used to post on here about my annoying GERD symptoms. They have been great recently, over the past years I actually dont feel them at all. But then I was also unofficially was diagnosed with LPR so it could jsut be silent and I dont know.
But unfortunately the past 4 months I developped ear issues out of the blue. They started with just extreme itchiness within my ears and the doctors checked and said there was nothing wrong with my ears and they were "beautiful." so i let it go (maybe just allergies?). A couple months later, i developped tinnitus in my right ear. I went in to get my hearing checked ad they found conductive hearing loss in my LEFT ear (this means sound is being stopped from going in, nothing to do with permanent/neuroligcal hearing loss) and now the tinnitus kinda spread to my left ear, i am basically hearing two tones in that one. Its driving me insane.
I know PPIs and H2 blockers can lead to tinnitus but i never took those for more than a day or two. I actually refused pills during my GERD bout.
My question is, do you think lpr patients may be prone to acid in the ears? And if so, do you recommend taking H2 blockers to see if it reduces my tinnitus? Im worried it might either
1) cause more tinnitus
2) bring about bad bouts of reflux since right now I have no symptoms of reflux - i figured i was in the clear?