Should I have this done
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Posted 7/1/2023 3:32 AM (GMT -5)
I’m going to have this surgery in few weeks but I’m really unsure with post I read people not eating proper for long time and having pain not being able to burp or be sick I don’t like it be harder for me with being vegan I think to . my reflux has not be to bad lately has iv been taking apple cider vinegar and slippery elm it’s been helping only thing what bothered me is bloated and feeling like something stuck at top I really don’t know what to do has iv already cancelled this 1 time before
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Posted 7/1/2023 7:18 AM (GMT -5)
I was also advised toupet but ended up having nissen full 360 wrap. I believe recovery for both procedures is same as you are on liquid diets for 1-2 weeks. And then you start consuming semi solids for next two weeks. As far as I know, partial wrap is advised to patients to avoid side effects associated with Nissen
1) to avoid post post op dysphagia
2) to be able to burp
And it all depends on couple of tests for surgeons to decide about which procedure is best for patient. The tests are barium swallow and esophageal manometry.
For the diet yes you are right, I faced difficulty too in my first two weeks but there are nutritional drinks and protein shakes, you can discuss this with your surgeon or a nutritionist.
I also had the feeling of something stuck in upper esophagus part but fortunately it's lot less now. I am post op 8 weeks and still not recovered and I know it will be another 2 to 3 months to start feeling better.
I also delayed my surgery for about 1 year due to similar fears but eventually gave up since I was taking medicine like candies and obviously it's not good.
You are the best judge for yourself but the surgery should always be the last resort. It's a big thing and recovery comes with patience. For me, I can say, yes the surgery has helped controlling symptoms.
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Posted 7/1/2023 7:33 AM (GMT -5)
Recovery is a bumpy road especially the first two weeks where the swelling inside reaches its peak. For me major and bothersome symptoms were
- Bloating
- Flautulence
- Throat issues, I developed LPR post op but doing better now
- Trapped gas in stomach and intestines which gives you a lot of discomfort
- Horrible nausea for first 4 weeks. Make sure to ask for an anti nausea from your surgeon.
But all of these symptoms are manageable so don't worry, surgery has helped so many and it all depends on careful selection of a qualified surgeon who specializes in Bariatric Surgeries.
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Posted 7/1/2023 8:10 AM (GMT -5)
Thank you I am worried I think I might just cancel this really not sure and try change my diet has I don’t eat good has it it I don’t want to feel like that for months it’s just hard decision to make iv seen plenty of negatives about this
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Posted 7/1/2023 9:28 AM (GMT -5)
Surgery indeed help controlling reflux symptoms. My gastro ....when he did second endoscopy... advised me strongly to go for surgery since there is no cure of reflux associated with harnia because LES always stays open. If you have hiatal harnia indicative of surgery, I would also suggest the same to go for surgery and don't worry, you will benefit from it in the long run. I am 41 and was told the more I delay it, the more I have a risk of developing Barrets Esophagus which is a pre cancer condition.
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Posted 7/3/2023 5:59 AM (GMT -5)
First, why are you having the Toupet? Is it because you had a manometry that indicated some sort of swallowing dysfunction? I tell everyone that surgery should be your last resort. If you are having any doubts, I suggest that you seek a second opinion for surgery, or ask more questions. Yes, you will have to follow a liquid diet at first. Yes the diet following can be restrictive. Yes, you can expect small setbacks along the way.
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Posted 7/3/2023 5:59 AM (GMT -5)
First, why are you having the Toupet? Is it because you had a manometry that indicated some sort of swallowing dysfunction? I tell everyone that surgery should be your last resort. If you are having any doubts, I suggest that you seek a second opinion for surgery, or ask more questions. Yes, you will have to follow a liquid diet at first. Yes the diet following can be restrictive. Yes, you can expect small setbacks along the way.
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Posted 7/3/2023 6:04 AM (GMT -5)
I had this swallow test and shown really bad reflux they suggested surgery has iv had different medications and don’t work but I use to eat lots of junk food I’m thinking to cut all the rubbish food out and cancel the opp iv been told that I won’t be able to eat proper again after having it someone I know been 8 month post opp and still struggling I just really don’t know
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Posted 7/3/2023 12:55 PM (GMT -5)
The manometry only measures swallowing function. The endoscopy would check for acid reflux. It's not true that you will not be able to eat normally again. It's just not an easy recovery. It's totally your decision as to whether or not to have the surgery.
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Posted 7/3/2023 12:59 PM (GMT -5)
Iv had both they said my reflux is bad I know someone who was 7 month gone and still really struggling also acid has come back still also still can’t eat proper still having mashed up food and eating very slow is they any other surgery you know what’s a alternative
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Posted 7/5/2023 6:02 AM (GMT -5)
You need to really research who is doing the surgery. You need someone who's expertise is in this type of surgery and not someone who can just do the surgery. There are other alternative surgeries, speak with your doctors. Their recoveries are similar.