sillylilly> At this point I am not sure what I have and neither does the rheumy. I saw a rheumy last Nov. He put me on plaquenil and the family doc put me on lexapro. I had a positive AnA, slightly I think it was either 1.40 or 1.80, Well I started with very bad diarrea and that went on for two months. My family doc told me to go see another rheumy in that practice. She seemed nicer, and I told her all my symptoms and that the GP said he thought it was lupus or scleroderma. She did another ANA and it was 1.40 she said I don't have enough symptoms to have lupus and also she said that there is a lot of healthy people who have positive ANA's and she wasn't going to treat me unless the ANA was positive. Well it's been a long story and too much to tell on here. My symptoms started out as shortness of breath. (I was dx with asthma, but even now that's iffy) Then my legs started having muscle weakness and being tired. I could hardly walk up stairs, I had to stop when I did. I didn't have any meds from March till Aug. is when I said if she doesn't want to help lessen the pain and fatgue I will go somewhere else. She gave me lodine. a muslce relaxer she said. Well the GP was giving me vicadin for the pain. I aches all over, felt like I had the flu most of the time and lost work. I was in bed for three weeks with aches, pains and fatgue. I didn't take a shower unless my husband was at home or if my daughter came over, I didn't want to be alone when I did. felt dizzy and was so tired after doing anything. The rheumy gave me a script for neurotin, but my daughter was on that and meds and me don't work very well, so I didn't get it. I have flares and I knwo when they are coming. I start feeling like I have the flu. I am getting checked out next month for lyme. Everything else is coming up negative except that slightly positive ANA. Ladies on the lupus forum some of them do not even have a positive ANA at all. And their docs treat them. I have gotten very aggressive in order to get things checked. Back in May my OB, GP and the rheumy wanted me to have a colonoscopy, but the darn doctor refused, he said that my intestinal upsets and bowel upsets were from fibro. I do believe some people have fibro, but I don't believe this is my problem. for one thing, I have problems with my throat, swollowing which the rheumy who saw me in the hospital said it could be scleroderma or polymyositis.
I actually haven't been feeling too bad, the vicadin has helped, but I have been doing down hill all week. My mother almost died last week and so many other responsibilities with church and my married kids are interesting too. And we went on a trip which I had to get prednisone to get me through the trip. I also have a new pulmonary doc which she found the dilated esophagus. I see the new gastro doc next month to see what we're going to do about things.
Sadly I have been nauseated and feeling sick before I eat and then after. I have a headach all the time too. Now my bowels are very dark, So I am thinking it could be an ulcer.
But as for lupus and lyme and Gerd, I only have been dx with Gerd as of this date. lupus and lyme are on the waiting list of we'll see. LOL. Not funny but it's so whacky with doctors. Ya just wish they would all practice from the same books or have the same protoccol or what ever, Think the same anyway.
All I know is if it's not lyme or co-infections, i will be going to a rheumy at the teaching hospital about 45 minutes away.
Oh I also have a vitamin D deficiancy which the rheumy said she doesn't knwo what to do for me, all her patient with a vit. D deficancy are elderly. Well then why not try to find out who to send me to so we can find out why a 49 yr. old would have this. and what is causing it. GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I am sorry, it's one of those days when I hurt so bad and am so tired and should just go to bed and can't.
Thanks for caring though lilly