Hello, my name is Rose, I have been to see so many doctors it is not even funny.
I have a ruptured disc, and was just released from the hospital. I thought forsure I would be able to get something done with being there.
The pain starts in my back and run down my left leg. They started out calling it scatica.
I was told now, there is nothing that they can do, my doctor did a spinal block on me where he put pain meds right on the disc that was ruptured, if this helped my leg, than he could operate and try and fix it.
They did a nerve test and the Dr. said I have nerve damage in my left leg.
When I woke up from the spinal block, it had not helped, I was still hurting down my leg. So this doctor said surgery would not help. So I have been sent home now to live with this for the rest of my life. The only hope I have are epidurals and pain meds.
I am just 42 years old and I have 3 daughters and 1 grand daughter with another on the way.
Im just wondering if there is anyone else out there with nerve damage. and if so, can anything be done. This is awful, I dont see how I can go on the rest of my life with this pain. It's the most awful pain I have ever felt.
It never stops, its almost like something is eating at my bone, it starts in my buttock and it goes all the way to my ankle. Sometimes my knee cramps so bad, it feels like it has been busted. It has taken over my life. Please advise if there is someone else out there who suffers as I do. Thank you, and God Bless You All.