I get so frustrated with doctors!! One in particular practically insulted me, and dismissed my symptoms and suggestions that it had anything at all to do with reflux. (As it turned out later, he was so incompetent that he initially misdiagnosed a condition he saw during an endoscopy.)
I know there are considerations with budget, insurance, etc., but I hope you find a doctor who can help you. I've wasted years myself trying to find answers, as you have to have the initial office visit, then schedule tests, then wait for results and the follow-up visit...and if you decide to move to another doctor, repeat all over again...
Have you tried other PPIs? The different molecular structure of the various types work differently for everyone. That said, with LPR symptoms PPIs are only marginally helpful, as they don't stop the non-acid components which can be just as damaging.
Another idea -- and this is a stretch -- are the throat sweets you mention. Are they sugared, or sugar-free? I suppose it's possible they might be feeding a Candida infection, although I've never heard of dizziness associated with a yeast infection.
Hope you find relief soon!