Posted 6/21/2013 1:22 PM (GMT -5)
Not sure if this is the right place, but looking for anyone who has dealt with gallbladder issues. Beginning of April this year, out of nowhere, I urinated blood after a short jog followed by stomach bloating and discomfort. 3 weeks go by and I urinate blood again, and still have the bloating after eating anything. Then, I start feeling a knot in the gallbladder area and more discomfort anytime I rotated my torso, like golf or yardwork. Urologist finds a cancer sore in the bladder, does minor surgery to correct (benign). I figured that would be the end to my problems, but not to be. Other symptoms getting worse, so I have the ultrasound and HIDA scan. HIDA shows a 36% functioning GB which I know is at the cut off for having surgery. Still had blood in the urine last week (trace levels) which indicates the GB could be behind it? Anyway, I am caused pain anytime I use my torso, even a hard cough for instance. Pain under the R shoulder blade, and again bloating even when going gluten/dairy free. I am not a big fan of surgery, but I can't cope much longer w/o improvement. Would surgery be the right course of action?