Posted 2/10/2017 9:46 AM (GMT -5)
Sorry you have to wait so long to get your results.
Patients make very poor doctors. While your preference should be noted, we should not demand a certain type of surgery. Instead, ask the gastroenterologist what would be the best type of surgery for your particular condition, and why!
There are a lot of patients here considering valvuloplasty. I have no idea if it's better than Nissen for your condition. I don't even know what your problem is - something you need to ask your doctor! Do you have a bad valve, or a really large hiatal hernia, or are the polyps causing the problem, maybe interfering with valve closure? You need to get the right treatment for your problem, not just what is popular at this time.
I had a bad valve from birth, getting worse over many years and, from an accident, a very large paraesophageal hiatal hernia, and the only possible treatment was a Toupet fundoplication with pulling my stomach back into my abdomen and closure of the hernia. I wanted something less radical, but my surgeon insisted on what I needed, and he was right! I have had no reflux for 7 years, and I can burp (which took a year to come back).