I would like to share the experience I have had regarding my operation.
It so insighful reading all the topics and seeing different and relatable effects.
I am 27, getting into my 20's I started having issues with my stomach. For 7 years...It build up.
In the beginning I would just feel food coming up when I slept making me sick for 2 days, staying at the toilet. For a long time I could drink a few beers and wine and just experience a hangover.(just abou 2 or 3) It would take me a few days to recover, though. I even loved spicy food. Had no issues.
Then... I started to get really bad. When I was stressed out my body would react by making me so sick that I could not do anything. I would throw up even gall...It wouldnt stop. I would take even longer to reciver after that. Being light headed tired, having a horrible taste in my mouth, yellow tong. I bad breath was a huge issue for me. I also felt very full on my chest when I ate and worked out..which also caused some effects.
For 5 years... the Dr's all said I have ulcers or astropic gastritis...or just an infection. The meds would control the systems. But as soon as I stopped..it will start again. In 2017-2019..It semmed to have worsen.
2019....was it. I got so sick for 2 weeks..having diarrea throughout the whole day, throwing up. And having a yellow tong and bad breath...lost a lot of weight. Went from 56kg to 47kgs. And I struggled to gain the weight back due the issues of my stomach. After I was diagnosed with atsropic gastritis..I was reffered to a specialist
I went for my gastroscopy in Jan 2020..on a tuesday..I was said I have a hertial hernia...and we scheduled surgery for the following week. It happend so fast. I did'nt do any research. I trusted that this was the fix. I have good Dr and It will be successful.
I was so at ease throughout the whole process and was so happy after the op that I felt the difference immediately. I stayed 1 night and went home the next afternoon. I was booked off for 6 weeks.
Here is how my recovery went.
Week 1- was happy to be home. I felt weak. Rest a lot..got frustrated for being hungry. Not even the pain was that bad. I stayed on soups and ice cream, mash, custard, rooibos tea(which helped a lot) I struggled with drinking water, as it felt very hard going down. Drinking tea, helped me to not feeld dehydrated.
My bowel movement steuggled the first 2 days due to the diet. So I had a little coffee and Not even 10min I had a proper bowel movement. I felt better rwgarding the bloating...BUT felt really off because I havent had coffee for over an year..and I was dehydrated. It had a very strange smell. Similar to the taste in my mouth..it was the meds.
My shoulders only ached the first 2 days..and I tried to put a hot watet bag on to relax it and massaged my shoulders to ease the discomfort.
I received great help from a physio and dietician who gave me exercises and a diet guide to assist with the recovery...I had a toast slice without the crust on day 7. It was amazing. Hahaha! I cried because I was hungry for solid food..not soft food. I am over ice cream and custurd.
I struggled with cold food and water.. felt that I struggled to getbit down. Warm foods was much better.
i walked a lot but got tired very quick and needed to rest.
Week 2
I started week 2 with goi g to the Dr on day 10. He was happy with my recovery. My stitvhes has closed completly and I will start to put on Bio Oil to assist with collagen on healing them. I bought a a shaje, Ensure, which assist cancer patients with getting all the nutrients they need..It helped !! I started having more energy and eating better. The healing inside also felt better. I could feel the difference on day 2 of having it.
I eat very slow...about
40 to 65 min..I chew througouhly and eat bit by bit. I am moving into my week 3 now and I can tell you I am so happy. I can bulge and burp..i pass a lot.of gas..iy bloats sometimes and was veey painful.in the beginning..before I had my bowel movement.
I am going back to work and will see how I carry out through the day. I will also be driving for the 1st time tommorow.
Changes I feel:
My tongue is not yellow anymore.
The full feeling and pressure on my chest is gone
I could feel my throat burning..which was numb before because of all the acid
My ears aand sinus are more
open and my bteath doesnt smell anymore.
Overall I am happy. I watched and read a lot of the operation information only aftetwards to understand how the process will go.
It is changes my life for the better. No more getting sick !