Posted 6/6/2014 3:27 AM (GMT -5)
hi, Im Paul, 26 yrs. old from Philippines, i just wanna share my life regarding with my illness before. I suffered psoriasis for more than 4 yrs, and i don't know what can be cure with my illness. I go to my doctor's and just having my check ups, i spend a lot of money to use some creams and lotions given by my doctor, and all of these stuff doesn't work for my psoriasis. I have a psoriasis in my scalp, it occupies all my head and so much itching and pain...Well, after a long time suffering, i found out what can cure and heal from my sickness.. and i found out this stuff "APPLE CIDER VINEGAR" , I started this putting in my head and just to observe it everyday. I put it twice a day, sure the smell is not good. but for real its very effective. coz after a month. i observe my head all the flakes and redness in my scalp are gone. and now im fully healed. but i still continue it even i dont have psoriasis anymore. maybe im just a addict now with it. :) i hope this message can help people suffering psoriasis until now. i guarantee you that this APPLE CIDER VINEGAR can help you and heal you. and no more flakes or redness and itching stuff anymore. goodluck and godbless!
p.s try it twice a day and after take a bath. it will work i promise.