I have oral allergy syndrome (I am not allergic to apples if cooked etc). many of the common fruits and veggies if raw I have reactions to. My reactions are typically asthma flaring, hives around my mouth, swelling of my tongue itchy throat etc. I was tested for all food allergies and the ONLY food I am allergic to is peanuts the rest they determined is OAS. The times of season that are more prone to have reactions are when those plants are also giving off pollen I was told. Certain fruits and veggies are linked to certain tree pollens. What they have found with me that is odd though I can have some reactions to certain fruits in the same family but not others.
When these items are cooked well I do not have a problem for example I cannot eat a raw apple but I am able to eat aples in a pie, apple juice, applesauce etc...this does not hold true to strawberries though for me sadly. I also have issues with many other items but apples and carrots were my 1st 2 items I had issues with.
I have slowly throughout the years become intolerant to many more fruits and veggies as well that I use to tolerate just fine with no reactions. If they rule out true allergies for you it MIGHT be what is going on