I wish my family was more supportive and helps me out more. I solely take care of my grandmother with alheimers. I also am in chemotherapy too. I get 3 to 4 hours a week alone, where someone will watch her so I can go to the hospital and do my chemotherapy. That is not enough time. I've asked family for more time off and they say "it hurts us too much to see her that way, thats why I only do thea 3 to 4 hours". Like it doesnt hurt me to see her like this? I go through it 24/7 for 6 days straight before I get the whole 3 or 4 hours off. My grandmother also has Sun downers, so her nights and days are mixed up. I am lucky to get 3 to 4 hours sleep a night. I'm tired and cranky... thanks for letting me vent.