Hello, everyone,
I have been reading posts for some time, but I have never posted. My father and step mother live w/my husband and myself. They have their own living room, bedroom and bath on one side of the house. My dad is 83, and my step-mom is 76. My step-mom's mother had Alzheimers. Grandma was a sweet, sweet woman who went from being a peacemaker to a reclusive person who became easily irritated and somewhat hostile.
I'm afraid my step-mom has AD. My dad is still mentally sharp. His issues are more physical. He told me a year ago that mom might have AD, but we had to be extra careful around her now because she is "sensitive". He says he can't make her go to the doctor for a diagnosis.
I hesitate to say this, but it is hard to distinguish between what might be AD and what is just her personality. She has never been a people person and is an abrupt communciator.
Here is an example of something I found rather bizarre. I would like to know what you all think about this.
I mowed the yard...we live in the country, so I mow about five acres...on a riding lawn mower and some grass ended up on this old dog house that she built years ago for some stray that showed up. It hasn't been used since, but we dare not throw it out. Mom was really ticked off. She was not happy at all that I got grass on her dog house. I saw her go out to the barnyard with a bucket of water and a cloth. She actually washed the grass off that old dog house. She was angry at me about it and was not very friedly for days. Isn't that sort of strage behaivor, even for someone who has always been a little different???
Mom has always been sort of nosey, but she is getting worse, I think. And she goes out into the garage, or the basement and moves things all around. She moves my husband's tools and then he can't find anything. She goes through my cabinets and rearranges my baking goods, etc.
She doesn't do much real cooking anymore. During the week they eat leftovers, TV dinners, pizza and soup. They go to the Senior Center twice a week for lunch, so that is real food. I cook at lot on the weekends, so they eat with us.
Mom also seems to not understand conversations anymore. She just doesn't seem to be able to grasp the main part of the conversations going on around her. She can't think of the right words to use either.
Does this sound like a possible problem, or am I just overreacting?
Thank you so much for your input.