Posted 3/27/2015 2:20 PM (GMT -5)
I certainly understand why there seem to be very few posts from patients with dementia/Alzheimer's, but if there are any of you out there I'd like to hear from you. Last year both my internist and rheumatologist told me to see their neurologist because I had memory problems. It started simply. I was going to cook oatmeal. In front of me I had a pot of water on the stove, container of oatmeal, measuring cup. For a few seconds I couldn't figure out how to get the oatmeal into to pot. Hmm. Ok. I have lupus and lots of brain fog, but I decided to tell my docs of this and other memory difficulties. Neurologist found that my frontal and temporal lobes shrank and my eeg shows decreased activity in my frontal lobe. I basically failed the tests he gave me in his office. Since then things have become much worse. If I can't quickly remember something, I give up. "It will turn up. It's not that important." Really, it's just too hard to think. And it's not just memory. I have days with what I consider major cognitive problems, but also thankfully have days with more clarity. I find it strange that I've never had much trouble expressing myself in writing, but when speaking I frequently forget words and what I was talking about.
For lupus, depression, and other autoimmune illnesses I take heavy duty meds including two infusions each month. I see my neurologist again next week. I thought I'd check out your forum before I see him in case he comes up with bad news in which case I'm sure I will not feel like writing for a while. Love, Butterflake