Hey there, sorry I am slow in answering.
There was a thread that talked about this but it may have been an add on to another thread and I am not finding it either. Looks like you are getting great response.
My understanding of the use of Omega 3, Omega 3 fatty acids help form cell membranes, keep those membranes flexible, prevent “leakage” of neurotransmitters, regulate the flow of hormones and other chemical messengers, which affect our mood as well as our immune system.
If you are taking blood thinning medication, you should use caution when supplementing with omega-3 as there is currently a concern in the medical community about prolonged bleed times in rare cases.
A rule of thumb is that you always consult your physician when adding omega-3 fish oil to your health routine. That is a safe practice when mixing any combo of meds as posted by another member. Good advice from all.
Please remember I am not a professional.