I just realized tonight for the first time that everything that I've been experiencing for the past 2 weeks is most likely anxiety attacks. I just found this site tonight and Wow! what a RELIEF to realize, "I might just be okay", maybe I'm not dying of something terrible. Maybe it's something I can manage. Just that thought, in and of itself is a huge relief! I've been really worried!
I've honestly thought, for the past few weeks, that I was dying of something. I woke up with cotton mouth, the inside of my head feeling like it was on fire, shaking uncontrollably, FEAR, thinking I was going to pass out and probably die. Seriously! I told my wife I HAD to go to the emergency room NOW. She calmed me down though. I had no idea why I was feeling this way though. I kept thinking, "what's WRONG with me???!!! I don't want to die and leave my wife and kids. Very scary!!!!
The strangest symptom I've had, and I haven't seen anyone else mention this exactly, (other than the feeling like you're going to pass out) is waking up, when I'm already tired and sleeping in bed and feeling like I was going to pass out while I was already in bed. That really scares me, because it feels like all of my thoughts are going to just cease and well I guess that's what happens when you pass out, but I already felt exhausted, so why if everything was already black and dark, was I feeling like "Woomp, Woomp, Woomp" like everything was going to just STOP in my brain. Scared the you know what out of me!!!! Still worries me. The inside of my head was so hot that while I was stumbling out of the bedroom feeling like any second I was going to just pass out, I went straight for the freezer and quickly stuck my head in there right up against the ice bucket, and instantly felt relief from that. I've had so many of the other symptoms I've read about from other people too. But it wasn't until tonight that I found this website and said, "oh, I guess it all makes sense now." I've most likely been having anxiety attacks. I wouldn't have thought that, but seeing my life right now it does makes sense.
I don't like to admit it, as I'm a man, and that doesn't sound like something men should have a problem with. You know, the whole macho, male ego thing.
"Only women have anxiety attacks", guys say. Well, I know I'm not a woman, and I AM having all the signs of an anxiety attack, so.......Oh well.
I've never had these problems previously before a couple weeks ago. I'm a 36 year old, married, father of two who is currently unemployed though and desperately trying to find work so we don't lose our home. Needless to say, I suppose that is what's going on with my body. VERY scary though! I'm not a typical manly man, (I hate to admit it) I've always been, according to my mother, "a sensitive soul". I've always scared easily, always had scary dreams since childhood where I'm being chased or something fearful. I've always been a worry wort.
I guess seeing this forum really opened up my eyes and I'm seeing now that "it all makes sense, maybe I've always been a nervous Nellie", which is my wife's name. ![:-)](/community/emoticons/smile.gif)
Anyway, I've written enough. My wife always tells me, "You don't have to make every email response a novel."
I'm just glad to know that I'm probably not dying. I don't have insurance though, since I'm unemployed, so I suppose I'll just have to try to find a natural, holistic way of helping myself. Does anyone have any ideas that might help?
Thanks to everyone who has shared their experiences!!! It really did help me ALOT!
Gotta go to bed now and TRY to fall asleep. Wish me luck. ~ Danny