Okay, recently I have noticed that when I am driving I'll have a thought pop into my head or get distracted somewhat, and the next thing I know, I drove alot farther than I thought I had, and I'll not remember driving to places I know I clearly had to pass to get to my position. It's always pretty short distances, not like I forget a large chunk of a car ride, or the entire thing.
I was wondering if this could possibly have something to do with derealization. Also, I have noticed that I can get really caught up into the TV or something, and tune everything else out kinda, and not hear what someone is saying to me. It's not AS bad as it sounds, because I do still know that someone is talking to me, and alot of the time I hear them, but I don't respond quickly.
I also have been forgetting something I was going to say quite often. It almost always comes back to me fairly quick, but not as quick as it used to would have. I would assume it is derealization or something like that, but I also think it could be like ADD, or ADHD, because I seem to get distracted easily lately.
I've been telling myself not to get too worked up about
it and not freak out and think that it's something reallyawful. But it still has caused a significant amount of stress and anxiety. I've had it under control quite well lately, so this happening is kind of out of the blue. I'm trying to not type to long about
it cause I'm starting to get anxious and tingly like I'm about
to panic, and am trying to reverse my thoughts. But I really need some advice on this please.
It's also quite bad timing, because my life is going quite well right now, actually, and I am more optimistic about
my future than I have been in about
6 months.
All responses are greatly appreciated.. I am kind of at a loss.
Thank you so much and God Bless.