Posted 5/3/2010 1:19 PM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone, I´m new here. Not new to anxiety unfortunately.
This is my story (very shortened)
I got post traumatic stress syndrome about tree years ago after a terrible situation where I had do have police protection and so on. I coudn´t even go into a store, drive and was always in a panic mode. When I talket about what happended, I actually passed out.
Over the course of three years I, by my self, get so well that I now can drive, I have moved, got a great job, I am totally independant, last winter I travelled across the atlantic and I am very, very happy.
BUT. The last two weeks I have been doing worse. (I still get panicy whan I dont sleep and eat right etc) But I have been having ocd´s and anxiety all day and to day I have had the so far worst panic attack of my life.
I think it also feels worse because I have come so far and it STILL gets to me. So frustrating!
Today my anxiety was the fear of going crazy. It itched in my whole body and I just wanted to run away from my self. I hid under the covers (very mature...) untill I calmed down and managed to fall asleep.
The ocd´s scare me as well, for me the represent that Im not in controll over what Im doing, therefor the fear of going crazy is just beeing fed...
Does anyone have som good advice for me on what to do/think?
I have red Lucinda Bassetts bestseller and I loved it. (Not sure of the english title.)
This is so heartbreaking to me. :-(