Hi LoaP,
I am sorry to hear of the difficult and complicated relationship that you have with your older brother.
The things that he says to you are not right, and they are not true. Unfortunately, when we here negative things enough times...even though our mind knows they aren't true statements...it starts to have an effect on us.
From your cultural standpoint, I don't know what to tell you. If I were advising someone here (USA) I would simply tell her to cut ties with the family member until the bad behavior changed on their part.
Is there a trusted family memeber that you can talk with? Perhaps a grandparent, aunt/Uncle that could talk with your brother about the effect that his words are having on you?
If nothing else...you can reinforce in your own mind, positive statedments to combat his negative ones.
Everytime he is abusive towards you...say to yourself:
'It is not true...I am a good person, and I will not let his careless words affect me!'
I wish I could be of more help...but I understand your dilemma as far as keeping family ties, and your cultural background.
Keep talking with us, we are here to support.
Scaredy Cat