Posted 1/12/2014 2:25 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Craig , I think you are my twin , right now I'm crying and just asking God to please take this away from me , I'm 35 yrs old female with a 13 yr old son who is going through leukemia , now Craig my anxiety hit aug of 2012 , been in and out of hospitals , specialist , and ER since then , I have extensive testing , stress test , cardiac cath , echo , hoilter monitor , MRI , mra , EEG , tons of bloodwork and a host of other stuff , while I refused to take meds it's been a vicious cycle , just the other night after a yeAr and half I tired to get Zoloft a try and it made me crazy and I feel like crap and my chest hurts , Craig you are not alone , we can talk anytime , may of 2013 my 13 year old was dx with leukemia , so my anxiety got worst , but I had to be strong as ever for my son , I had to stay at the hospital for months at a time and still deal with the anxiety , it was hell , I will tell you Craig a good friend of mine 5 years ago went through hell of anxiety , she through up everything she ate even water , she list 50 pounds you could see her bones , like us , she went to doctor after doctor , er after er , they found nothing , they gave her Zoloft and Xanax , she said it made her worst , so she stop , one day on its own it just went away , she said she woke up and didn't feel a thing , it was all gone and today she is doing wonderful , she calls me to encourage me because she knows what it is like , so have faith , trust me I know , it's hard , I'm dealing with it just like you , I just want my life back , not to feel like everyday will be my last day on earth , its awful , and I pray for your strength , I listen to Joel osteen yesterday on you tube , type in Joel Osteen , you can handle it .... Contact me anytime ...