Posted 1/12/2014 2:54 AM (GMT -5)
I have, indeed, experienced things similar to what you described. There are Hypnagogic (dreams that occur while you're falling asleep) and Hypnopompic (dreams that persist while waking and for a short period of time) dream states, I have experienced Hypnagogic dream states fairly often. There is also what is referred to as a Hypnic (sometimes listed as Hypnagogic) Jerks, I have also experienced these.
Here is an article I found that describes Hypnagogic Jerks and mentions them being preceded by a hallucinatory state in some people. The article also mentions some factors that may contribute to them.
Mine seem to occur (the Hypnagogic Jerks) when I am stressed out or sometimes depressed. Unlike you, taking something, such as Klonopin, makes mine worse. If you are concerned, you should discuss this with your doctor, but look at the article I included the link for and see if any of the factors that may cause them may be effecting you.