Hi everyone :)
I cannot begin to tell you what a relief it is to find this forum and read posts describing exactly how I feel... and it's in all likelihood nothing serious.
I suffer from both GERD and anxiety (crippling at times) that results in horrific panic attacks.
A lot has happened in the last year. My husband and I moved to a completely new city, more than 6 hours away from any family or friends. We had hard times financially, jobs fell through, we had money stolen from us etc. The stress had taken a toll on our marriage (just in the sense of pulling away and being quiet, like going through the motions)... In any event, our marriage is better than ever! Husband has a secure job now and things seem great.
I have that bloody feeling in my neck/throat
I had it last year but not to this extent. I was given a prescript
ion for Clonazepam once a day and within 2-3 days I was like a brand new me. I've been off my meds for about
6 months now because money was tight and to be honest, I'm terrified of doctors, I loved my old doctor but now were in a new place which means trying to find a new doctor who is knowledgeable and nice.
Anyways, I really started to notice my anxiety while my husband and I were going through those hard times about
4-5 months ago. Even after things got better between us it felt like my anxiety was getting worse and worse everyday.
2 months ago my husband was off for the Christmas holidays for about
a week, while he was off I was perfect
No symptoms of any kind at all. Sure enough, like clockwork, he goes back to work and they start all over again, getting more and more worse and harder to ignore.
I have that feeling where it feels like a lump in my throat, similar to when you feel your throat tighten up when you cry. I can't stand anything being against my throat or neck. Even turning it to the side feels like it's pulling and straining it. I feel like it's hard to swallow saliva, but I can eat and drink without any problems at all. Burping seems to relieve the pressure for a brief 3-5 seconds. I'm fine laying down for the most part, I can sleep no problem, much like others have said within minutes of waking up it's there again.
My husband is 110% insistent that there is nothing seriously wrong with me and that this from my anxiety. I keep thinking how can it be my anxiety? I'm not worried or scared, life couldn't be better, I've never been happier... my husband responds "because you keep thinking the worst about
your throat. You know it's nothing more than your anxiety, the more you stress about
it, the worse it gets."
***I am so sorry for the novel above