Great input from everyone! I especially liked yours M. I am trying to get to that same level with my family.
Deborah. I know where you are coming from with the guilt trips you get. My mother does me the same way!
I have learned to put my immediate family first (my wife and 3 daughters). They're the ones I have to live with and they're the ones I aim to keep happy.
Families are supposed to love one another unconditionally. If you dont want to host the holidays at your house then tell them!!! If they love you they will understand. And if they don't then have a beautiful holiday with your immediate family!
Thanksgiving is a nightmare for me. My wife and I try to split our time between her parents and mine. Both of our parents puts a huge stress on us about
how long are we going to stay and then gives us a guilt trip when we have to leave. Last year for Thanksgiving, I took my wife and three girls to the mountains. We went to the grocery store and stocked up on all the "Thanksgiving goodies"! I rented a beautiful cabin. We spent the day sight seeing and going to gift shops along the smoky mountains. My girls went sleigh riding and then ice skating. That night we made
cookies and all bundled up on the couch and watched movies. The next day my wife started the thanksgiving meal while my daughters and I enjoyed ourselves in the hottub. It was by far, the most most beautiful and most memorable holiday!
Stand firm and dont let anyone walk on you! Wishing you lovely and stress free Holidays!
Your friend
Post Edited (Cornell) : 10/18/2014 4:19:22 PM (GMT-6)