I can't stress enough for you all to have gas pills on hand. I never took them until last year and they're miraculous lol! Simethecone is so mild & safe to take. So many pains I've had were from gas- I only figured this out after trying the gas pills and the pains went away. I even take them on my period for bloating & it helps!
I was in the ER a cpl yrs ago w/horrid stomach pain. After many tests, ultrasounds etc, they just gave the generic diagnosis "gastroenteritis." I wished I'd known abt gas pills bc I bet they'd have helped! My gf w/anxiety like us went to a walk-in clinic with stomach & chest pains. Diagnosis: gas.
LOL & ham sammich Cornell. No food but I do have a pouch with Advil, Tylenol, gas pills, tums, band aids, Benadryl, nausea pill & I think that's all the OTC meds haha! I keep xanax in there too but in a super secret area
Oh & lip gloss, powder, wallet, gum, pens, paper, brush, pony tail holders, keys, sunglasses, reading glasses (just wait till you ppl turn 40 & need reading glasses! Hmmph!), & I'm sure more that I'm forgetting. So you wonder if I come prepared? HELLO yes, I'm neurotic by nature and plan ahead for disaster LOL
Love you guys!