Posted 12/2/2014 11:17 AM (GMT -5)
Great input above! It is always good to talk with your doctor about new/increased fatigue, and to rule out anything physical such as low iron as Park mentioned.
...and yes, this can be a tell tale sign of depression, or SAD, so again talking to your doctor about those possibilities, and whether a Vit D suppliment could help might be wise...
...and as Anwes mentioned, this can also be anxiety related! So using your coping skills to decompress...rather than just sleep would be a good goal. The body will take its rest however it can get it...
...but if you are giving your system time and opportunity to relax with meditation, breathing, progressive muscle relaxation...your body may feel more energized and not default to sleep mode so quickly!
Hope you can get the answers that you need and feel better soon!