Are you attending university? Can you check with your school and see if they have a counselor that could get you set in a program or group for help? Often school's do have resources that you are not even aware of until you ask!
For now, here are some links that I think will be helpful for you.
This first group if for coping skills to help bring down your overall axiety levels and symptoms...very important. If you do these, you should start to feel better all around. Practice everyday!
Self Help sites with breathing/relaxation exercises instructions
Panic attack relief exercises:
This link is for combating worrisome thought patterns that increase our anxiety. Do your best to go through the exercises and worksheets. It will take awhile, but it is worth it!
Self Help Printable Work Book for OCD and Intrusive Thoughts
Keep posting here as well. We do care and want to see you feeling your best!
Talk to you soon,
Scaredy Cat