Posted 3/15/2015 4:48 PM (GMT -5)
Hey Guys -
Please help. I have anxiety. I have suffered with anxiety for YEARS. Only recently has it felt "different" - seems more intense, and symptoms are changing. Most recently I have experienced these sensations that go along with my stomach. I could be sitting perfectly fine zero anxiety and all of a sudden out of nowhere I feel like I stopped breathing for a second, I get this intense sensation throughout my body - I feel anxious and feel like I'm gonna pass out. I never actually pass out, ever. Immediately after I feel like my stomach is a mess and I have to use the bathroom. I am always under stress with my job and constantly suffering with health anxiety. I mentioned this symptom to my doctor who claims it's IBS and anxiety. But guys, this is where I need your help. How the heck is it possible that I could be in the comfort of my own home, sitting on my couch, watching a funny movie or doing something like scrap booking and out of nowhere (remember I am not even anxious) and I get this intense sensation as I described above. How can this be anxiety. Can anxiety come out of nowhere like this and last seconds AND make a person have a bowel movement too? Im convinced this is something else, like cancer or blood flow issue or blockage - something!!!!