Posted 2/4/2016 10:27 AM (GMT -5)
I just joined this site so this is my intro.
So, I'm a 26 year old guy. I take care of my body; eat mostly organic, gluten free foods. I don't do much sugar or any processed foods. I workout 4-6 times a week and am built well. Anxiety has plagued my life on and off for the last decade and it's becoming a lot to deal with. I started suffering from GAD and panic when I was 16 and into college it started affecting my stomach, causing me to get the sensation I was going to crap my pants and then die. Now, I wasn't always a muscular guy. Until I was 22, I was a skinny, frail guy. At 22 when I started working out I stood at 5'10" and weighed about 135 soaking wet. Anyway, the bowel thing moved up in my gut and by my second year of college, I would start feeling like I was going to throw up and my chest would get tight. I missed a lot of classes, would just collapse in my car at the end of the day and retreat to my house. I've always had self esteem/self worth issues and finding love for the first time at 19 helped build me up a bit and through the ways of fate, it was taken away after having gone through some rough times (including a battle with parasites that nearly took my life). Then at 22, I bulked up, started bodybuilding and ended up becoming a personal trainer and strength coach. But no matter how big and strong I've gotten, this beast within me always makes me feel like that skinny little kid. Over the course of the last year, I've been dealing with leaky gut symptoms that seem to flare up due to situational anxiety. So I'll be okay at certain points in the day, then I have gas and cramps and my skin starts breaking out and I just feel like a big bloated stomach with arms. Since around Christmas time, it's gotten worse and last week I had a really bad bout of nausea/diarrhea and chills. Since my initial battle with parasites in 2010, I've been intensely terrified of being sick like that, or anything close so I'm terrified of vomiting. Everything about it is a nightmare. Nothing is familiar, there is no comfort in anything or anyone and I literally feel trapped in my own body. This recent bout has followed me to work, it follows me home. After I eat anything, my stomach turns and flips and burns and my chest tightens. I can't sleep. I lay in bed gripped with fear as my stomach fills with nausea. I'll get hungry and then feel sick as soon as I try to eat. I'm googling again, which I know isn't the way to go.
On top of all these physical ailments, I've had a very emotional year and VERY emotional last few weeks. I've uncovered painful truths about my past, things that I have buried and kept buried since I was a child. I'll level with you guys, I have been suicidal the last few weeks but it's only because my soul has been trying to tell my body things for a while now and I think my physical body and consciousness are acknowledging the signals. I may try therapy, I've tried it before but it was short lived due to cost.
It seems like the physical ailments and symptoms trigger more emotional stuff and the emotional stuff triggers more physical stuff and it's a battle that never ends. I'm tired of living this way. Stuck in a body that doesn't feel right anymore. A strong, bearded, weathered man with no place to feel safe.
Is there anyone who's been to similar edges in their psyche? How do we press on? How do we combat it when nothing seems to work, and nothing that's worked before, works anymore?
Sorry this was a bit heavy, but it's been a burden for a while now and it seems everything is coming to a head and the terror of fighting for my life in 2010 has come back nearly 6 years later.