Posted 3/31/2016 6:37 PM (GMT -5)
MissGigi, that high heart rate you are experiencing is from adrenaline, your sub-conscious it giving you a negative thought that upsets you, then your fight/flight response kicks adrenaline into your blood stream, results in a high resting heart rate, when your system burns the adrenaline off you will sometimes feel weak, shaky, a general upset feeling. "all of this is normal", that is if you were attacked by a bear, or some creepy thug, but its scary thoughts now because there are no saber tooth tigers but we still have the built in escape system. One way to burn off the adrenaline is exercise, walk, run, weights, etc. If you don't do anything then you just sit or lay down and feel yourself go wild inside!
When you feel this coming on, make your muscles move, i am serious, even washing a dish will help
break the feeling of no control, and just washing a dish will prove to you that you do have the ability to perform simple tasks. Now this is a very simple explanation of how Mindfulness works, "distraction",
if you are distracted you cant maintain your panic. Peace
Larry ***