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Why so many silent viewers?
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Regular Member
Joined : Apr 2016
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Posted 5/11/2016 9:29 PM (GMT -5)
I thought this was supposed to be a "support group". Seems more like a place to reveal yourself to a bunch of people who just troll the site without bothering to share or encourage others....even when they practically beg, like I did today. If it weren't for the facilitators and a precious few who understand the concept of sharing, this would be no better than an online journal.
After seeing how many views my post got (73) compared to the number of replies (5) I've decided this isn't the place for me. Thanks to the few who took the time to encourage me today. Much appreciated.
Good luck everyone. I'm done.
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 5/11/2016 10:26 PM (GMT -5)
I am sorry you were discouraged by those numbers...
I know percentage wise, it's not a high amount of responses. However, this is pretty typical for a site of this size. (we are global)
Due to the very nature of our disorder...many members here struggle to just read others experience...much less respond.
Or they feel they have nothing to offer...lack the confidence to speak up...are not fluent in English...ect.
Please reconsider...and remember it's quality over quantity when it comes to this situation. ;)
If you stick around, I think you'll find it is worth it.
With encouragement,
P.S. I'd love to hear how your day went!!
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Posted 5/11/2016 10:29 PM (GMT -5)
Agreed SC, I don't generally respond to any threads that I can't contribute positively to or relate to (like health anxiety as I've never had it)
Sometimes i am me (HT)...
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Posted 5/13/2016 3:51 AM (GMT -5)
I am tired. but the turtle tries. stay with us. sending many healing thoughts. sorry I am not much chop atm.
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Posted 5/13/2016 4:08 AM (GMT -5)
im guessing its hard for us all here and sure is a scary time im here looking for support but will also offer any support i can to others too the way im looking at my situation now is a good thing came out of it and that is because ive been through it i can help others in the same situation too i dont know the answers on how to make anxiety go away but am finding new ways to cope and all of us together will find a way
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Posted 5/13/2016 3:33 PM (GMT -5)
I just found this site yesterday. I am browsing to see where I fit. Sorry if this annoys you. Not trying to.
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 5/13/2016 3:51 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Kaemicha and welcome!
You are not annoying anyone! ;p We are glad you have joined us!
What brings you to Healing Well? Do you deal with a chronic illness...anxiety?
Please start an introductory thread for yourself, so we can all welcome you and get to know you better.;) (do this by hitting on the 'Post New Topic' icon, in the above left side of toolbar)
Please don't take this thread as any indication of the tone and mood of our forum! Most of our members are very positive, giving....and very grateful for the responses they get...which is plenty...and all full of support!
Talk soon,
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 5/13/2016 4:50 PM (GMT -5)
How do you know they are trolling the website?
You know this is an anxiety forum, in a website which has separate forums for many other conditions, right?
There are many people from other boards who come here and read posts but have nothing to say about
anxiety related things.
If you get a reply, this means you get "support".
Steve n Dallas
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Posted 5/14/2016 9:37 AM (GMT -5)
ONE EXAMPLE why the reply versus view count can seem to be out of proportion.
I get up at 3am every morning.. I start the coffee maker, I boot up my computer, feed the cat then I grab my coffee and start reading though about
25 forums.
Actually, I read my emails before reading forums... It can be a slight problem in that I don't get talkative till I'm done with my second cup of coffee.... I often forget that I need to replay to an email or three. And many posts like this one will only get read and not replied to.
In a voluntary situation like this site - most people do what they can - when they can.
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Posted 5/14/2016 10:06 AM (GMT -5)
Although I would not be critical of anyone who reads this forum and does not respond to other's posts -- that is anyone's right to do -- I do think this forum may be too dependent upon one or two people -- particularly Scaredy Cat. She really carries this place, especially since Kitt passed away. So, SC, many thanks for the good work you do here! And I guess maybe the rest of us should look for ways to be more helpful, when we can.
Sometimes on anxiety forums (not just this one) I think people come to the forum feeling terrible and needing help and they don't think they have anything much to offer to others. But even those of us who are suffering often have insights that others would find valuable. After all, who understands better than someone who has been there?
So rather than bristling at the OP's post, I will take it as a reminder that we should all try to look for ways to contribute more and be more helpful -- taking SC as a model of how we can contribute.
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 5/14/2016 12:24 PM (GMT -5)
Thank you MV...
...and well said, all of you who responded!
We all do our best...and we will continue to do so...
...and be THE BEST anxiety forum around, IMHO! ;) ;) ;)
I have much love in my heart for you all! :)
Veteran Member
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Posted 5/16/2016 8:12 PM (GMT -5)
i dont see the need to respond to threads that i dont have personal experience in and about
meds i dont have experience with. it would just clutter up the form.
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Posted 5/16/2016 11:13 PM (GMT -5)
I know it can be discouraging to see those numbers, but try to focus on the ones who do respond. Good luck to you.
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Posted 6/4/2016 5:32 PM (GMT -5)
Personally I try not to take to heart how many people view or respond to any of my posts. I've never posted here but I post on the prostate cancer forum here and there are times I realize some topics I start are not for everyone. Some may click on it out of curiosity but it may not relate to them at all. Sometimes my posting is just a way to get things out. For sure when I post a specific question and do not get many responses it can be a little frustrating but I realize most people reading it just do not have the answers I am looking for, so I am sure no slight is intended. Also as a previous poster mentioned many people just don't have the time and just like to read others posts for information, so whether you realize it or not you may be helping many who choose never to respond.
I started looking (trolling???) on this anxiety forum because my elderly Mom suffers from debilitating anxiety and was having some major panic attacks before xanax helped lessen the attacks some. She's in a nursing home now after 4 hospital stays within the past year but most of her caregivers agree it's her worrying and anxiety that have really been keeping her in such a poor state. She was always a worrier and prone to anxiety but with getting older and not being able to care for herself it has multiplied so much that she is becoming a shell of who she used to be. With her other health issues it seems almost a lost cause at this point because just when we would make headway in one area something else would happen that would have to take priority.
I suffered from extreme anxiety growing up and finally in my 20's I was in psychotherapy for many years which basically saved my life because I was self medicating with alcohol and saw no way out. So I feel for those of you that are in the grips of the anxiety/depression/low self-esteem type madness. It does seem hopeless but as someone who eventually fought through it and got to the other side I can absolutely tell you it can be done. Fortunately my psychotherapist was fantastic for me and I was seeing her a minimum of once a week for years, and sometimes twice a week when I was really not coping.
I wish you all well...Jim
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 6/4/2016 7:11 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Jim and welcome to the A/P!
Thanks for sharing with your story...I am so happy to hear of your successful time with therapy...and the great recovery you have made! :)
We will keep your dear mum in our thoughts and prayers! Post anytime with questions/concerns.
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 6/4/2016 7:22 PM (GMT -5)
Wow Force... that was extremely insensitive on your part. People are not on here 24/7 to instantly respond to a post. Patience is a virtue...
That being said, there have been many posts that I read, where someone has already responded with the same exact thing I would've said myself, so I don't bother duplicating advice. And like some others have said, we don't all experience the exact same symptoms of anxiety/panic attacks, or have experience with some of the meds people ask about
, so there's no point in responding to something you have no experience with.
I hope you'll change your mind about
this forum, because to be totally honest, this one is by far the best when dealing with anxiety and panic disorders. You just have to have patience when you post something, you'll get a response, guaranteed.
Best of luck to you... Fox
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 6/4/2016 9:26 PM (GMT -5)
Unfortunately she has left as far as I can tell...
...I think she was a newbie to the forum scene...
After looking around, I am sure she'll see that HW is THE most supportive site around!
...and hopefully return.:)
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Posted 6/5/2016 9:02 AM (GMT -5)
Cat, Thanks for your welcome and well wishes for my Mom.
When I get some free time I will probably try to ask some questions relating to her, ways I can help, etc. It can be very frustrating to deal with because even though we realize she is stuck in a mind full of anxiety and panic, the simplest of questions sets off the anxiety and she cannot even respond. I try very hard to stay in the moment with her and avoid questions but even then anything that is out of the ordinary or what she deems to be out of her routine (Which is sadly sitting in her wheelchair waiting for her next pills or waiting for the staff to take her to the bathroom or bring her her meals that she really does not want to eat. She gave up anything fun that she used to love to do; such as reading or watching tv) sets off her anxiety. If we take her out of her room she gets worked up that the staff won't find her no matter how many times we explain they are happy for her to get out. She is really just stuck in her world and anything different probably sets off a big loss of control for her and creates instant panic/anxiety.
Anyway, thanks again....Jim
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