Posted 5/5/2016 7:54 AM (GMT -5)
Hello Michael,
I'm sorry you feel this way it's a really crap feeling, on my first 2 week I went doctor ever 3 days changed doctor went to ER they gave me saline drops 500ml felt so re hydrated because I didn't eat for 2 weeks, what ever I drank I peed out 30 minutes later.
I stayed bed bound for 3 weeks due to crippling dizziness and tiredness, I would get out of bed try some tai chi to improve my breathing, you should try that, but I must say I felt like I used up a lot of energy and constantly felt like dying. And yes I checked my heart rate every 30 minutes for 3 weeks that's including night time till morning. I think the main thing that took over was depression which caused the symptoms to worsen, mask like face, lost of interest no libido, insomnia, because I thought I had a disease.
But I told myself screw if I can't eat, I'll go on a diet, if I can't stand up I'll just lie down till I feel better, if I can't sleep lying in bed all day your body still gets a lot of time to rest. I noticed the more I worried the symptoms got worst.
I read positive story's and it has helped, I also need to state I went through shock for a few days because I refused to accept my condition and I was begging for the ER to say I had heart disease.
Maybe your going through depression and shock just like me when my severe anxiety/panic came back.
Just don't force yourself to do too many things at once take your time do things slowly, try to accept if you can't do certain things like you used to, if you feel winded go lie down I had to lie down in my sisters room or on the living room for company. Also note when we have anxiety we tend to be hyper aware of our health that's why we're googling our symptoms, we look for something to blame that's physical rather than mental. I used to run 3-5km everyday, and then suddenly I couldn't walk down stairs without vomiting, nausea and thinking I was going to die, so I gave up trying lied down tried to accept and relax telling myself everyday it's just a phase and it will pass.
I'm 31 all my life I suffered from anxiety and depression , when it hits rock bottom it sucks ass, but the stress level will go down.
Let me give you one thing to think about, when we get the really bad flu, how come we never have impeding feeling of doom and fear? For me the symptoms of flu are deadly, high fever, vomiting, muscle tenderness, chills, diarrhoea, in bed for 48 hour straight. I actually need to go hospital sometimes, but I just ride it out and don't really care, but since my anxiety came back I was scared of a fly scared of a fast heart beat, scared of dizziness, scared of tiredness, scared for my health.
I know exactly how you feel buddy, but if I can feel better you can too. Just give it time for the stress to come down.