Posted 5/31/2016 9:40 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Bambola,
Sorry I haven't replied sooner, but I have to be in front of a keyboard! (Can't do it on a tablet)
Anyway, I am on 100 mg of Zoloft as well, or as they also call it, sertraline.
Please know that I am fine now!, but it was a challenge. I was at 75 for a bit, and I was experiencing so much heart racing, stomach butterflys, anxiety ... and I was going to come off it. I tried reducing it on night and I felt really sad the next day. I had already been on several antidepressants which were all awful. I decided I would just keep going and eventually went up to 100. I had to take a clonazepam in the am and pm and at night. I am also on Seroquel for sleep, and Lyrica. I am trying to reduce the Seroquel. My sister is on 150 of Zoloft. She was worse then me... dizziness, fear of dying , a whole bunch more symtoms. I went to see her at Easter, the end of March. She was in the hospital. Well, all of a sudden, about a month later, she was normal. It's like it kicked in. She was trying to come off it initially as well, but it was worse. Anyway, to make a long story short, keep with it, but take the clonazepam. I don't know why the doctors don't tell us that you will experience all the anxiety when going on the antidepressants. It makes me so mad. Some drs said I shouldn't experience any side effects! Really! and they were the psychiatrists.
And yes, all the deep breathing, meditation didn't help when I was like that.
So keep up with it. Give it a month ... For me it took a while. Tell the doctor how you feel.
Please know that you are not the only one. So many of us have gone through this, but got better! that's the key ... got better!
Sorry, this is long, I just know how you feel. Keep trying.
CQ .. from Canada too!