Posted 2/26/2017 4:41 PM (GMT -5)
Hey ya'll, having an anxious filled day, thought I'd post to talk about it.
Generally I've been doing well for quite some time, just have the occasional hiccup with anxiety and weakness/wobbly legs/dizziness, but it's not a long-lasting thing.
However, the past few days and into the past week I've felt this strange tugging feeling (almost like an aura as I've read people with migraines experience). In my past experience that usually means a doozie of an anxiety round is coming...problem is that I don't know when exactly it's going to hit.
Well today was that day. Usually it seems to tip over into panic when I let my guard down and either eat too much sugar (and then feel the crash), or don't eat enough and drink coffee so as to upset my stomach.
This morning and into the afternoon I have really been in a fog and anxious...I just want to go nap for a while. I do feel some better after eating a pretty big lunch, and I know part of the reason it came bursting through this time was most likely not eating at a regular interval over the past 24 hours.
Nothing about this is really anything different that it always is, I just am feeling bummed about it. I know it'll pass and all, but just blah...