Hello and welcome!
I am sorry to hear that you have had a return to feeling acute anxiety/panic recently.
I know how frustrating this is...as I have experienced the same.
However, it helps to remember that you have not gone back...but rather that you are stronger now than ever, having gotten through the most recent episode...and you are moving ever forward towards recovering. Set backs happen to us all, but we keep improving all the time!
It is great that you are back in therapy, and it will help you as before, so be patient with yourself and the process.
It seems you have some good tools in place already...but if you could use more, please see our Resources at the top of the main forum page here for excellent self help material.
We are here and we do understand, so post with us anytime for venting/sharing/encouragement. Support is key!
Looking forward to getting to know you better,
Scaredy Cat